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Install OneFlow Stable Version

Install the latest stable version of OneFlow with CUDA support using the following command:

python3 -m pip install -f oneflow==0.4.0+cu102

Install the latest version of the OneFlow master branch using the following command (not recommended for production environments):

python3 -m pip install oneflow -f

If you are informed that the corresponding version cannot be found, please try upgrading pip:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip #--user

Chinese users can use the domestic mirror to accelerate:

python3 -m pip config set global.index-url
Detailed instructions can be found in the pypi mirror help

System Requirements:

  • Python >= 3.6

  • CUDA driver requirements are available in the OneFlow source code repository README

Build from source

If you want to install OneFlow by building from source, please refer to README. Also refer to Troubleshooting for common issues you might encounter when compiling and running OneFlow.

Install OneFlow with legacy CUDA support

To install OneFlow with legacy CUDA support, run one of the following command:


python3 -m pip install --find-links oneflow==0.4.0+[PLATFORM]


python3 -m pip install oneflow -f[PLATFORM]

All available [PLATFORM]:

Platform CUDA Driver Version Supported GPUs
cu112 >= 450.80.02 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx, A100, RTX 30xx
cu111 >= 450.80.02 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx, A100, RTX 30xx
cu110, cu110_xla >= 450.36.06 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx, A100
cu102, cu102_xla >= 440.33 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx
cu101, cu101_xla >= 418.39 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx
cu100, cu100_xla >= 410.48 GTX 10xx, RTX 20xx
cpu N/A N/A

QQ channel

If you encounter any problems during the installation and want for help, please join the QQ channel or submit issues on Github.

QQ channel ID: 331883 or scan QR code below

qq group