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Customize DataLoader

As described in Data Input, OneFlow supports two ways to load data: one is directly use Numpy data, the other one is use DataLoader and some relative operators.

Under the large industrial scene, data loading can easily become the bottleneck through the training process. Since we use DataLoader and some preprocessing operators, OneFlow's acceleration mechanism helps to load and preprocess data more efficiently, which can solve that problem.

To use DataLoader in OneFlow, we usually apply XXXReader to load the file data, and use XXXDecode to decode or preprocess the data. These two operators work together to complete the function of data loading.

Now OneFlow has built some DataLoader internally. If we want to use DataLoader to promote the efficiency of data loading, however, the DataLoader for the corresponding data format is not yet built in OneFlow. At this time, we can implement our own DataLoader to load the customized data format.

In this article we implement a Mini Dataloader. You can check the Code in this repository.

As an example, the data format that Mini Dataloader supported is : A plain text file with two columns of numbers separated by commas (See the part-000 and part-001 file in code):


This article will take Mini Dataloader as an example to explain the key points of implementing customized DataLoader.

The composition of Dataloader

A complete Dataloader generally includes two types of Op:

  • Data Reader: Which is responsible for loading the data in file system to the input stream of memory and setting the data to the Op's output.
  • Data Decoder: The Data Decoder decodes and outputs the data in Data Reader Op.

For some simple data formats, which is no need for decoding, we can omit the Data Decoder and just use Data Reader.

As an example, though the data format processed by Mini Dataloader is simple, we still implement the two types of ops: Data Reader and Data Decoder. Among these two Ops:

  • MiniReader is responsible for reading data from files and split strings by commas. Convert the text to the float value and set to the Op's output. The output shape is two columns of each row.
  • MiniDecoder is responsible for splitting the two columns of each row output in above and get two outputs x and y, both of their shape is one column of each row.

In we can see the usage of both Ops at Python level:

   miniRecord = MiniReader(

   x, y = MiniDecoder(
           miniRecord, name="d1"

We will introduce how to implement Data Reader and Data Decoder in C++ backend below.

Data Reader operator

The class relationship in Data Reader

We need to implement a class that inherits from DataReader, this class includes two important objects loader_ and parser_, which inherits from Dataset and Parser separately.

  • loader_ 's job is to load data from the file system to buffer. The Op's author build the logic by overriding the Next method.
  • parser_ 's job is to set the data in buffer to Op's output. The Op's author build the logic by overriding the Parser method.

When Data Reader Op works, it will call the relative method in loader_ to open files in the file system, and then call the Next method in loader_ to read data from the file system according to the logic built by Op's author.

The pseudocode below shows the class relationship and the calling procedure. The actual code is more complicated and it is not the exact corresponding relationship:

class DataReader{
    void Read(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) {
    // OneFlow already starts multi-threads to accelerate data processing when code runs here. 
    Dataset* loader_;
    Parser*  parser_;

class MiniDataReader : DataReader{
    loader_ = new MiniDataSet;
    parser_ = new MiniParser;

class MiniDataset: Dataset {
  MiniDataset() {
    // Find and open dataset in the file system, initialize the input stream. 

  Next() {
    // The logic of reading data from input stream. 

class MiniParser: Parser {
  void Parse(){
    // Set the data from DataSet to Op's output. 

In Data Reader Op's Kernel, it will trigger the Read method in DataReader and complete the sequence of operations which is shown in the pseudocode above.

The registration of Op and Kernel

We register the MiniReader's Op through the code below:

    .Attr<std::string>("part_name_prefix", std::string("part-"))
    .Attr<int32_t>("part_name_suffix_length", -1)
    .Attr<bool>("random_shuffle", false)
    .Attr<bool>("shuffle_after_epoch", false)
    .Attr<int64_t>("seed", -1)
    .Attr<int32_t>("shuffle_buffer_size", 1024)
    .SetTensorDescInferFn([](user_op::InferContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
      *out_tensor->mut_shape() = Shape({local_batch_size, 2});
      *out_tensor->mut_data_type() = DataType::kDouble;
    .SetGetSbpFn([](user_op::SbpContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
      ctx->NewBuilder().Split(ctx->outputs(), 0).Build();

As we can see, because Data Reader is a special Op, it has only output, no input (data comes from the file system, instead of some upstream nodes), we only use Out method to set the output, and set the output shape as two columns per row in SetTensorDescInferFn, the data type is DataType::kDouble. In the same way, when we set SBP Signature in SetGetSbpFn, we only need to set output's SBP attribution. In this case, we set it as Split(0).

The other attributions (like data_dir, data_part_num, etc.) follow the requirement of file naming conventions in The OFRecord Data Format. It allows us to reuse some related code in OneFlow to load customized data format like The method to load OFRecord dataset.

Then let's look at the implementation of Op's Kernel:

class MiniReaderKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {

  CreateOpKernelState(user_op::KernelInitContext* ctx) override{
    std::shared_ptr<MiniReaderWrapper> reader(new MiniReaderWrapper(ctx));
    return reader;

  void Compute(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx,
               user_op::OpKernelState* state) override {
    auto* reader = dynamic_cast<MiniReaderWrapper*>(state);

    .SetIsMatchedHob((user_op::HobDeviceTag() == "cpu")
                     & (user_op::HobDataType("out", 0) == DataType::kDouble));

According to the knowledge in Customize Op, we have known that MiniReaderKernel::Compute method is responsible for the Op's compute logic. However, we use an override version of Compute that includes two parameters here. It's necessary to introduce the second parameter OpKernelState.

When we call the Compute, we need to maintain other objects in addition to get information from ctx. This type of object does not need to be created repeatedly, but their state of information may change as Compute method is called multiple times. In response to this need, OneFlow provides a override version with two parameters of Compute. In order to use it, we need to override CreateOpKernelState at the same time. CreateOpKernelState returns a user_op::OpKernelState derived class object. This object will be the second parameter when Compute is called.

So we only need to pack the information we want to maintain, in addition to the ctx, as a derived class of user_op::OpKernelState, instantiate and return it in CreateOpKernelState.

In our Mini Reader's Kernel, we first implement a class MiniReaderWarapper that is inherited from user_op::OpKernelState. It is a simple encapsulation of MiniDataReader, the reason why we encapsulate MiniReaderWrapper instead of using MiniDataReader directly is that to meet the requirements of OneFlow.

class MiniReaderWrapper final : public user_op::OpKernelState {
  explicit MiniReaderWrapper(user_op::KernelInitContext* ctx) : reader_(ctx) {}
  ~MiniReaderWrapper() = default;

  void Read(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) { reader_.Read(ctx); }

  data::MiniDataReader reader_;

Then, we override CreateOpKernelState, create a MiniReaderwrapper object internally.

  CreateOpKernelState(user_op::KernelInitContext* ctx) override{
    std::shared_ptr<MiniReaderWrapper> reader(new MiniReaderWrapper(ctx));
    return reader;

In this way, OneFlow will call CreateOpKernelState method to create object automatically in appropriate time and pass it to Compute as the second parameter. We can get this object in Compute, and use it:

    auto* reader = dynamic_cast<MiniReaderWrapper*>(state);

As we can see, In MiniReader's Kernel, we just simply call MiniReaderWrapper::Reader, it will trigger the procedure of DataReader::Read that is mentioned in above pseudocode.


As we mentioned in above pseudocode. In MiniDataReader, it will instantiate a MiniDataset and assign to the loader_ pointer.

Here is the code:

class MiniDataReader final : public DataReader<TensorBuffer> {
  MiniDataReader(user_op::KernelInitContext* ctx) : DataReader<TensorBuffer>(ctx) {
    loader_.reset(new MiniDataset(ctx));
    parser_.reset(new MiniParser());
    if (ctx->Attr<bool>("random_shuffle")) {
      loader_.reset(new RandomShuffleDataset<TensorBuffer>(ctx, std::move(loader_)));
    int32_t batch_size = ctx->TensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex("out", 0)->shape().elem_cnt();
    loader_.reset(new BatchDataset<TensorBuffer>(batch_size, std::move(loader_)));

In addition to inheriting our Dataset's MiniDataset class, OneFlow also build other XXXDataset, they can add additional features in the base of existing Dataset. For example, RandomShuffleDataset can be used to shuffle data, BatchDataset can be used to read batch data. When it is all done, we finally call StartLoadThread, which is used to start the loading thread. We will trigger the override method MiniDataset::Next in StartLoadThread.

The above construction of MiniDataReader can be used as a template. If you have no special requirements, you don't need to modify it in custom DataLoader.


For MiniDataSet, we only need to focus on the constructor and overridden Next method.

The constructor obtains user's settings through Attr. Then it will initialize the input stream according to the user's settings. In the following code, JoinDirPath is used to obtain all filenames according to the convention of dataset (the prefix, the amount of files, whether the filename number is padded, etc.). And InitInStream is to initialize the file in dataset as input stream (The member of in_stream), which is encapsulated by OneFlow, it will be used in Next method later.

  MiniDataset(user_op::KernelInitContext* ctx) {
    current_epoch_ = 0;
    shuffle_after_epoch_ = ctx->Attr<bool>("shuffle_after_epoch");

    //Join Dir Path

    // in stream

The logic of loading from files is written in virtual function Next:

  LoadTargetPtrList Next() override {
    LoadTargetPtrList ret;
    LoadTargetPtr sample_ptr(new TensorBuffer());

    std::string sampleline;
    if (in_stream_->ReadLine(&sampleline) != 0) {

    auto numbers = CommaSplit(sampleline);
    sample_ptr->Resize(Shape({2}), DataType::kDouble);
    auto pNums = sample_ptr->mut_data<double>();
    pNums[0] = std::stod(numbers[0]);
    pNums[1] = std::stod(numbers[1]);

    return ret;

In the above code, we call in_stream_'s ReadLine method to load file data into string object sampleline. Then we callCommaSplit to split the string by commas, convert to float value, and place it to TensorBuffer object.

It is worth to mention that _in_stream_ has two ways to read data from files:

int32_t PersistentInStream::ReadLine(std::string* l);
int32_t PersistentInStream::ReadFully(char* s, size_t n);

ReadLine method reads a row of file to l object; ReadFully method reads n bytes data to the memory pointed by s. Both methods use 0 as return value on success.

MiniDataset complete the process of file to memory buffer. In next section, we will use MiniParser to set the buffer's content to Op's output.


MiniPaser inherits from Parser, we just need to rewrite the Parser method.

class MiniParser final : public Parser<TensorBuffer> {
  using LoadTargetPtr = std::shared_ptr<TensorBuffer>;
  using LoadTargetPtrList = std::vector<LoadTargetPtr>;

  void Parse(std::shared_ptr<LoadTargetPtrList> batch_data,
             user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) override {
    user_op::Tensor* out_tensor = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("out", 0);
    double* dptr = out_tensor->mut_dptr<double>();

    MultiThreadLoop(batch_data->size(), [&](size_t i) {
      TensorBuffer* buffer = batch_data->at(i).get();
      dptr[i*2]= *(buffer->data<double>());
      dptr[i*2+1]= *(buffer->data<double>()+1);

Parser includes 2 parameters, where batch_data is an encapsulated vector. Each element in this container is the data previously read by MiniDataSet through Next method. The parameter ctx enables us to get the information of Op. Here we mainly obtain the output through ctx and get the pointer dptr to the output buffer.

Notice that we use macro MultiThreadLoop in the procedure of setting batch_data's data to the Op's output dptr. MultiThreadLoop allows our loop logic to be executed in multiple threads. It accept 2 parameters, the first parameter is the total number of loop; the second parameter is a callback function, its prototype is void callback(size_t, i). OneFlow will create multiple threads, and call the callback function concurrently. The callback function's parameter i indicates the serial number of current loop, allowing us to divide data according to i and complete the business logic.

In the above code, we get the ith data in buffer through batch_data->at(i).get(), and set it to the location of the ith row in the output memory area. There are two columns in total.

Data Decoder Operator

Data Decoder operator is a normal operator. It accepts the output of DataReader as its input, outputs one or multiple Blobs after some operations.

In ofrecord_decoder_ops.cpp, we can see various decoders for OFRecord data.

The data processed by our Mini Dataloader is simple, so the work done by MiniDecoder is also very simple. It just splits two columns data output from DataReader into two one-column outputs as x and y.

Mini Decoder's Op is registered as:

    .SetTensorDescInferFn([](user_op::InferContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
      user_op::TensorDesc* in_tensor = ctx->TensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex("in", 0);
      user_op::TensorDesc* out_tensor_x = ctx->TensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0);
      user_op::TensorDesc* out_tensor_y = ctx->TensorDesc4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0);
      // Set the input, output Blob's attribution 
      // ...
    .SetGetSbpFn([](user_op::SbpContext* ctx) -> Maybe<void> {
          .Split(user_op::OpArg("in", 0), 0)
          .Split(user_op::OpArg("x", 0), 0)
          .Split(user_op::OpArg("y", 0), 0)

The implementation of Mini Decoder's Kernel is as follow:

class MiniDecoderKernel final : public user_op::OpKernel {
  void Compute(user_op::KernelComputeContext* ctx) const override {
    user_op::Tensor* in_blob = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("in", 0);
    user_op::Tensor* out_blob_x = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("x", 0);
    user_op::Tensor* out_blob_y = ctx->Tensor4ArgNameAndIndex("y", 0);

    int64_t record_num = in_blob->shape().At(0);

    const double* input = in_blob->dptr<double>();
    double* out_dptr_x = out_blob_x->mut_dptr<double>();
    double* out_dptr_y = out_blob_y->mut_dptr<double>();

    MultiThreadLoop(record_num, [&](size_t i){
      *(out_dptr_x + i) = *(input+i*2);
      *(out_dptr_y + i) = *(input+i*2 + 1);


We mainly get the input in_blob in MiniDecoderKernel::Compute, and then in multiple threads loop MultiThreadLoop, split the input data into out_dptr_x and out_dptr_y, that correspond to the output x and y.

The use of customized DataLoader

As described in customized user op, if we want to use the Op built in C++ backend, we need to encapsulate a Python Wrapper in Python level. Some related work is put in

def MiniDecoder(
    name = None,
    if name is None:
        name = "Mini_Decoder_uniqueID"
    return (
        .Input("in", [input_blob])

def MiniReader(
    minidata_dir: str,
    batch_size: int = 1,
    data_part_num: int = 2,
    part_name_prefix: str = "part-",
    part_name_suffix_length: int = -1,
    random_shuffle: bool = False,
    shuffle_after_epoch: bool = False,
    shuffle_buffer_size: int = 1024,
    name = None,
    if name is None:
        name = "Mini_Reader_uniqueID"

    return (
        .Attr("data_dir", minidata_dir)
        .Attr("data_part_num", data_part_num)
        .Attr("batch_size", batch_size)
        .Attr("part_name_prefix", part_name_prefix)
        .Attr("random_shuffle", random_shuffle)
        .Attr("shuffle_after_epoch", shuffle_after_epoch)
        .Attr("part_name_suffix_length", part_name_suffix_length)
        .Attr("shuffle_buffer_size", shuffle_buffer_size)

In, we use our implemented MiniReader and MiniDecoder to load and decode the data in dataset (part-000 and part-001), complete a epoch of training.

Compile and test Mini Dataloader

Check into the corresponding directory data_loader for this article.

Change Makefile's ONEFLOW_ROOT variable as the directory of OneFlow's source code.

And then use


to generate file.

Run script, then we can use Mini Dataloader to load data and complete training.
