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OneFlow provides the oneflow.distributed.launch module to help users start distributed training more conveniently.

Users can start distributed training by the following commands:

python3 -m oneflow.distributed.launch [Boot Option]

For example, to start the training on single-node double-GPUs:

python3 -m oneflow.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 2 ./

For another example, start two machines, and each machine has two graphics for training.

Run on machine 0:

python3 -m oneflow.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --nnodes=2 \
    --node_rank=0 \
    --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --master_addr="" \
    --master_port=7788 \

Run on machine 1:

python3 -m oneflow.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --nnodes=2 \
    --node_rank=1 \
    --nproc_per_node=2 \
    --master_addr="" \
    --master_port=7788 \

Description of Common Options

We can view the description of the options of the launch module after running python3 -m oneflow.distributed.launch -h. The following are some common options:

  • --nnodes: number of nodes
  • --node_rank: the serial number of the machines, starting from 0
  • --nproc_per_node: The number of processes per node to be started on each machine, which is recommended to be global with the number of GPUs
  • --logdir: The relative storage path of the child process log

The Relationship between Launch Module and Parallel Strategy

The main function of oneflow.distributed.launch is to allow users to start distributed training more conveniently after them complete the distributed program. It saves the trouble of configuring environment variables in the cluster.

But oneflow.distributed.launch does not determine Parallel Strategy. The Parallel Strategy is determined by the setup of the distribution method of data and the model, and the placement of those on the physical devices.

OneFlow provides Global View and Global Tensor to flexibly configure parallel strategies. And for data parallelism, OneFlow provides the DistributedDataParallel module, which can change the single-node single-GPU script to the script of data parallel with minimal code modification.

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